You have indicated that you would like to improve an existing language that is badly implemented (no definite grammar rules known by Wowbagger yet, or too few insult building blocks at present), or help to add a language that is not implemented at all. Please read the following instructions.

"Wowbagger" is not a very serious site, though I take its development very seriously. Let me give an example of some of the insults that it can come up with:

you are a rather yellow someone that people fart in the general direction of
you are a snottily diluted potato

You will immediately see that neither of these insults make very much sense. But I daresay nobody has ever been called one of those insults, and that's what makes the site fun.

When Wowbagger insults a person, that person should smile because it's such a silly insult. There's also an "XXX" switch that will allow genuinely offensive things to be added. For example, in the English version the words "potato" and "turkey droppings" are not very offensive, but other words can be. Unless people specifically switch 'XXX' on, they will only be insulted in the funny way.

Basically, what I need is a list of language building blocks. These can be split into adverbs, adjectives and nouns. In all languages, these can be mixed together in a particular way. Sure, most of the insults will not be really offensive, possibly even naive of downright silly. I don't mind that. However, before I need those, I need to know something about the grammar of your language. In English, for example, the word order is:

wowbagger / verb: / pronoun / verb / article / adverb / adjective / noun
Example: wowbagger says (verb): you (pronoun) are (verb) a (article) very (adverb) red (adjective) man (noun)

In Portuguese:

wowbagger / verb: pronoun / verb / article/ noun / adverb / adjective
Example: wowbagger dice: voce e uma mulher extrem pequana (this means "you are a very small woman" :-)

You can see that the word order can differ between languages.

In some languages (not in English), a word has a different form ('inflection') when placed in front of words with a specific gender. In German, for example, the article is "eine" or "ein", in Norwegian it's "en" or "ett". This depends on the gender of the noun. Not all languages have different genders. English doesn't, and Dutch only has two genders. German has three genders (der Mann, die Frau, das Kind are three examples, one of each gender). I need to know how many genders your language has, and what they are. If there are no genders, I need to know what the indefinite article is (like "a" or "an" in English). I also need to know what the "negative particle" is (like "not" in English) and where you need to put that particle to make a sentence reverse its meaning (like between article and adverb in English, so that "you are a very red man" can become "you are a not very red man").

So here are my questions:

1) What is the word order in your language, i.e. how do the individual building blocks of your language relate to each other, like indicated above for English and Portuguese?
2) What are the genders of your language and do they (or do they NOT) affect the adjective or even the adverb?
3) What is the indefinite particle (like "a/an" in English, "en/ett" in Norwegian)?
4) What is the negative particle (like "not" in English), and where does it need to be placed to work properly?
5) How do you say "you are" in your language?
6) How do you say "I am" in your language?
7) How do your write the name of your language in your language?



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